Journal of Bioscience and Environment Research

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Journal of Bioscience and Environment Research Verified.png
Trading name JBER
Native name জার্নাল অফ বায়োসায়েন্স এন্ড এনভারনমেন্ট রিসার্চ
Type Scientific Journal
Industry Publishing
Founder(s) Prof. Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman
Area served Worldwide
Key people Prof. Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman
Products Scientific Journal
Services Article, Journal
Employees 9
Parent Genesis Publishing Consortium Limited

Journal of Bioscience and Environment Research (JBER) is a distinguished open-access, single-blind, peer-reviewed platform, internationally recognized for its dedication to advancing scientific knowledge in bioscience, biotechnology, genetic engineering, and environmental science. With an unwavering commitment to excellence, JBER serves as a conduit for disseminating high-quality original scientific papers, concise communications, and noteworthy review articles that adhere to exceptional standards of contemporary significance.

Authors submitting manuscripts to the Journal of Bioscience and Environment Research do so with the understanding that their work must be original, unpublished elsewhere, and exclusively under consideration for publication within this esteemed journal. The journal’s scope is vast and inclusive, spanning a diverse range of topics within the fields of bioscience, biotechnology, genetic engineering, and environmental science. From molecular biology and bioinformatics to conservation biology and environmental chemistry, JBER encompasses all facets of bioscience and environmental research.

Operated under a continuous publication model, JBER releases three issues annually, typically in May, September, and January. This innovative model ensures the swift dissemination of research findings by promptly assigning accepted articles to upcoming issues as they become ready for publication. Consequently, readers benefit from rapid access to the latest advancements and discoveries, fostering a dynamic exchange of knowledge and ideas within the scientific community, particularly in the field of bioscience and environmental science.

Aims and scope

The Journal of Bioscience and Environment Research, an official publication venue of Genesis Publishing Consortium Limited (GPCL), which is dedicated to fostering advancements in the interdisciplinary study of bioscience and environmental research. It provides a forum for researchers, scholars, and professionals to share high-quality research findings, methodologies, and insights pertaining to various aspects of bioscience and environmental science. The overarching aims and scope of the journal are to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and ideas among scientists and practitioners working across diverse disciplines, including biology, biotechnology, genetic engineering, and environmental science. The journal’s scope encompasses, but is not limited to, the following areas,

Molecular biology: Investigating DNA replication elucidates mechanisms crucial for cell division and genetic inheritance while understanding gene expression regulation informs the development of targeted gene therapies and precision medicine approaches.

Bioinformatics: By developing algorithms for sequence analysis and protein structure prediction, bioinformatics aids in identifying potential drug targets and understanding the genetic basis of diseases, facilitating the design of personalized treatment strategies.

Genetic engineering: Exploring advanced genomic editing techniques such as CRISPR-Cas9 enables precise modifications in organisms’ genomes, revolutionizing fields like gene therapy, agricultural biotechnology, and the production of biofuels and pharmaceuticals.

Synthetic biology: Investigating synthetic biological systems with tailored functionalities, including biosensors for environmental monitoring, microbial biofactories for sustainable production of chemicals, and gene circuits for precision medicine applications, advancing biotechnological innovations.

Biophysics: Investigating into the physical principles governing biological processes, biophysicists study phenomena like protein folding, molecular interactions, and cellular mechanics, providing insights into disease mechanisms and guiding drug development efforts.

Immunology: Investigating immune responses to pathogens and vaccines informs the development of novel immunotherapies and vaccines for infectious diseases and cancer while understanding autoimmune mechanisms aids in the development of targeted treatments.

Microbiology: Exploring microbial diversity, physiology, and interactions in various environments sheds light on ecological processes, biogeochemical cycles, and microbial roles in human health, agriculture, and environmental remediation.

Environmental microbiology: Studying microbial communities’ dynamics in natural and engineered environments informs strategies for bioremediation, wastewater treatment, and the sustainable management of ecosystems and microbial resources.

Systems biology: Integrating experimental data with computational models enables the analysis of complex biological systems’ behavior, offering insights into cellular processes, disease mechanisms, and drug responses, with applications in personalized medicine and synthetic biology.

Plant biotechnology: Investigating genetic modification techniques enhances crop traits such as yield, nutritional content, and stress tolerance, contributing to global food security, sustainable agriculture, and adaptation to climate change.

Animal biotechnology: Genetic engineering in animals aims to improve livestock productivity, disease resistance, and biopharmaceutical production while advancing biomedical research through the development of animal models for human diseases.

Human genetics: Studying human genetic variation and disease susceptibility informs precision medicine approaches, personalized treatment strategies, and population genetics studies elucidating human evolutionary history and ancestry.

Environmental genetics: Examining genetic responses to environmental stressors provides insights into species adaptation, ecosystem resilience, and biodiversity conservation strategies in the face of environmental changes.

Ecological modeling: Modeling ecosystem dynamics helps predict the impacts of environmental changes on biodiversity, ecosystem services, and human well-being, informing conservation planning, natural resource management, and climate change mitigation efforts.

Conservation biology: Studying conservation strategies, habitat restoration, and species reintroduction programs mitigates biodiversity loss, preserves ecosystem function, and sustains essential services for human societies.

Climate change biology: Investigating the ecological impacts of climate change informs adaptive management strategies, species conservation efforts, and policy interventions aimed at mitigating climate-related risks to ecosystems and human communities.

Evolutionary biology: Studying evolutionary processes, including natural selection, genetic drift, and speciation, provides insights into species diversification, adaptation, and responses to environmental changes, guiding conservation priorities and ecosystem management strategies.

Environmental chemistry: Analyzing the sources, transport, transformation, and effects of pollutants in the environment informs risk assessments, pollution control measures, and environmental monitoring programs aimed at safeguarding human health and ecosystem integrity.

Soil science: Studying soil properties, fertility, and management practices improves agricultural productivity, soil conservation efforts, and sustainable land use practices, crucial for food security and ecosystem health.

Aquatic ecology: Investigating aquatic ecosystems’ structure, function, and dynamics informs fisheries management, freshwater conservation, and marine resource exploitation, balancing human needs with ecosystem sustainability.

Environmental toxicology: Assessing the effects of pollutants on organisms and ecosystems helps identify environmental risks, inform regulatory decisions, and develop strategies for pollution prevention and remediation.

Environmental policy: Studying environmental policies and governance structures evaluates their effectiveness in addressing environmental challenges, promoting sustainability, and ensuring equitable resource allocation and environmental justice.

Environmental health: Investigating the links between environmental exposures and human health outcomes informs public health interventions, environmental regulations, and community-based initiatives to reduce environmental health disparities.

Urban ecology: Studying urban ecosystems and green infrastructure promotes biodiversity conservation, enhances urban resilience to environmental hazards, and improves urban residents’ health and well-being through access to nature and ecosystem services.

Ecotoxicology: Examining the effects of toxins on organisms and ecosystems guides pollution management efforts, risk assessments, and the development of ecologically sustainable industrial practices.

Environmental monitoring: Developing methods and technologies for environmental monitoring ensures timely detection of pollution events, tracking environmental changes, and assessing the effectiveness of pollution control measures.

Renewable energy: Researching renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and biomass promotes sustainable energy production, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and mitigates the environmental impacts of fossil fuel use.

Waste management: Investigating waste reduction, recycling, and disposal strategies minimizes environmental pollution, conserves resources, and promotes a circular economy model for sustainable development.

Environmental impact assessment: Assessing the environmental consequences of human activities and development projects informs decision-making processes, mitigates negative impacts, and promotes sustainable development practices.

Sustainable development: Investigating strategies for balancing economic growth, environmental protection, and social equity ensures long-term sustainability, resilience, and well-being for current and future generations.

The Journal of Bioscience and Environment Research invites original research articles, reviews, perspectives, and short communications that enhance our understanding of bioscience, biotechnology, genetic engineering, and environmental research. We encourage interdisciplinary cooperation and invite submissions from researchers, academics, and practitioners globally. Serving as a platform for scientific discourse and knowledge dissemination, our journal fosters collaboration and aims to bolster the community of scholars and professionals in bioscience and environmental science research.

Abstracting and indexing

-Crossref member (in progress) Journal_of_Bioscience_and_Environment_Research


-DOAJ (in progress)

-Scopus (in progress)

-Web of Science (in progress)

Journal directories

-Electronic Journals Library (EZB) (in progress) -Research4Life (in progress)

  • Hinari

-Sherpa Romeo (in progress)

Digital preservation

-Portico (in progress)

Content aggregators

–Google Scholar


Reviewer credits

–Web of Science Reviewer Recognition Service

Call for Editors

[Genesis Publishing Consortium Limited (GPCL)] is currently actively seeking individuals of exceptional caliber to join our esteemed team as Editors for the Journal of Bioscience and Environment Research (JBER). This represents an extraordinary opportunity for dedicated professionals to make significant contributions to the scholarly community. As an Editor, you will play a pivotal role in ensuring the highest standards of quality, integrity, and ethical conduct in scholarly publications. Join us in advancing knowledge and fostering excellence in bioscience and environmental research.

Introduction to the Journal

JBER holds international recognition as a scholarly journal devoted to disseminating groundbreaking research in aquatic invertebrates and ecosystem sciences. Committed to upholding excellence, JBER is proudly affiliated with Crossref and indexed in Google Scholar, demonstrating its dedication to widespread accessibility and scholarly recognition. Furthermore, the journal is actively pursuing inclusion in esteemed databases such as Chemical Abstracts Service, with ongoing efforts to secure recognition from COPE, DOAJ, Scopus, and Web of Science. These initiatives aim to enhance the visibility and impact of published research, reaffirming JBER's commitment to advancing scientific knowledge and fostering global collaboration.

Qualifications and Requirements

We are seeking candidates who possess the following qualifications:

  • Hold a Ph.D. in Bioscience and Environmental Science, covering diverse disciplines such as Biotechnology, Genetic Engineering, Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Environmental Science, and related fields.
  • Demonstrate previous experience in an international research journal, preferably in an editorial capacity such as Regional Editor, Guest Editor, reviewer, or similar roles.
  • Achieve the rank of Professor or Associate Professor at a reputable university.
  • Exhibit a track record of academic and scholarly accomplishments, including teaching, research, and scientific publications.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in research design, methodologies, statistical analysis, and adherence to research reporting standards within the fields of bioscience, environmental science, or related areas.
  • Possess excellent organizational and communication skills, including meeting deadlines, adept writing abilities, proficient presentation, and public speaking capabilities.
  • Display strong interpersonal skills, effectively engaging with diverse stakeholder groups and individuals across different career stages.
  • Be familiar with publishing content models and web-based manuscript processing systems.
  • Capable of collaborative teamwork with minimal supervision while also excelling as an independent contributor.
  • Fluent in English with a high level of writing proficiency.

Roles and Responsibilities

As an Editor for JBER, your role will entail,

  • Collaborating closely with the publisher and the broader editorial team to delineate the journal’s vision, engage in strategic discussions, and set long-term objectives.
  • Ensuring a comprehensive, unbiased, and timely peer review process for all submitted articles, maintaining the utmost standards of quality and integrity throughout the publication process.
  • Acting as a decision-maker, assessing scientific merit, originality, and relevance to determine the suitability of submitted materials for potential publication.
  • Upholding ethical principles to safeguard the journal's integrity, promptly and confidentially addressing any concerns related to publication ethics.
  • Recruiting and retaining proficient reviewers with diverse expertise to contribute to the peer review process.
  • Ensuring the journal's content remains valuable, fostering growth in terms of usage and submissions through strategic planning.
  • Establishing clear, efficient, and respectful communication channels with authors, reviewers, editors, and journal staff.
  • Collaborating to ensure timely publication of journal issues, participating in expansion strategies, and optimizing workflows.
  • Addressing publication ethics concerns and allegations of misconduct promptly, courteously, and confidentially.

Term of Service

The selected candidate will be required to take on the role of Editor for an initial term of two years, starting in May 2024.

Application Process

We welcome prospective candidates to submit a comprehensive letter (up to 1,000 words) detailing how their qualifications align with the specified criteria. Additionally, please include an updated CV and a profile picture along with credentials from platforms such as Scopus, ResearchGate, ORCID, and Google Scholar. These documents can be forwarded to [email protected] or submitted through the form provided below. The Editorial position for JBER will remain open until suitable candidates are successfully selected.

Join Us

We invite you to be a part of shaping the future of the Journal of Bioscience and Environment Research, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in these vibrant and ever-evolving fields. At GPCL, we eagerly await the opportunity to welcome dedicated and talented individuals to join our esteemed editorial team. As we strive for excellence in scientific publishing, your expertise and passion will play a crucial role in guiding the journal towards new heights of success. Join us in this exciting journey of discovery and innovation.

Contact Information

Genesis Publishing Consortium Limited House no 24, Dr. Hadi Hamli Publishing Facility Building Navaran, Jadabpur, Jhikargachha, Jashore-7432, Bangladesh Phone: +8801783023351 (WhatsApp) Email: [email protected]

Call for Papers

The Journal of Bioscience and Environment Research (JBER) cordially invites submissions of exceptional scientific papers encompassing the realms of bioscience, biotechnology, genetic engineering, environmental science, and beyond. Serving as a distinguished platform, JBER offers a conduit for researchers, scholars, and practitioners to disseminate their groundbreaking discoveries and contribute significantly to the dynamic and ever-evolving field.

JBER embraces a wide array of topics, reflecting the intricate tapestry of bioscience, biotechnology, genetic engineering, environmental science, and related disciplines. From the realms of molecular biology and bioinformatics to the study of animals, humans, and plants, to microbiology, biotechnology, environmental toxicology, and sustainable development, this journal covers a comprehensive spectrum of subjects. Authors are encouraged to explore, but not limited to, the following areas,

  • Molecular biology
  • Bioinformatics
  • Genetic engineering
  • Synthetic biology
  • Biophysics
  • Immunology
  • Microbiology
  • Environmental microbiology
  • Systems biology
  • Plant biotechnology
  • Animal biotechnology
  • Human genetics
  • Environmental genetics
  • Ecological modeling
  • Conservation biology
  • Climate change biology
  • Evolutionary biology
  • Environmental chemistry
  • Soil science
  • Aquatic ecology
  • Environmental toxicology
  • Environmental policy
  • Environmental health
  • Urban ecology
  • Ecotoxicology
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Renewable energy
  • Waste management
  • Environmental impact assessment
  • Sustainable development

We welcome authors to submit a variety of content, including original research papers, review articles, case studies, and short communications, covering topics within bioscience, biotechnology, genetic engineering, environmental science, and related fields. To maintain the highest standards of published material, we ask that submissions adhere to the following guidelines,

  • Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the journal's formatting guidelines.
  • All submissions must be original work and not currently under review or published elsewhere.
  • Authors are responsible for ensuring the accuracy and relevance of their research findings.
  • Submitted manuscripts will undergo a rigorous peer-review process to uphold scholarly integrity and excellence.

How to Submit

To submit manuscripts, please utilize the JBER online submission system. Should you require any assistance or have inquiries regarding the submission process, feel free to reach out to the editorial team at [email protected]. We're here to help and support you throughout the submission process.

Join Us in Advancing Knowledge Join us as we unite in our shared endeavor to advance the frontiers of bioscience and environmental research. Together, let's dive into the depths of knowledge and understanding in these crucial fields. Your contributions are eagerly awaited, and we anticipate the opportunity to not only receive your submissions but also to share the groundbreaking discoveries they unveil with our diverse global audience.

External Links
