Wiser Wellness

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Wiser WellnessVerified.png
Formation 2022
Founder Brittany and Brandan
Founded at US
Type Profit
Legal status Active
Headquarters US
Region served
Services Medical Services
Official language
Website wiserwellness

About Us (Wiser Wellness)


“We make a difference in the world of health and wellness.” We're on a mission to disrupt the status quo and democratize healthcare by putting the power of health, healing, and well-being back in the hands of the people, and by virtually connecting them with world-class doctors and professionals from the comfort of their own home.


“Easy access to world-class doctors anytime, from anywhere.” We will attract, develop, and retain the most talented interdisciplinary team ever assembled in the healthcare industry, and create the most trusted and recognized integrative health and wellness platform that sets a new standard for how people access doctors.

Synopsis of Wiser Wellness

At Wiser Wellness, we have no respect for mediocrity. We’re a team of fearless innovators who push the boundaries of what’s possible to one day revolutionize the telemedicine industry.

We believe that personalized care and technology should never be mutually exclusive. Our obsession with innovation drives us to relentlessly research and develop new solutions and technologies that open doors to the underserved. Our network of doctors provides expert care right from home, atprices almost anyone can afford.

Our Manifesto

Wiser Wellness isn’t just another telemedicine company, it’s a platform that seeks to revolutionizing the world of alternative and integrative health and wellness. At our core, we are a team of diverse and fearless innovators who are disrupting the status quo and democratizing healthcare. Our mission is to put the power of health, healing, and well-being back in the hands of the people.

We believe that personalized care and technology should work together seamlessly to provide our patients with the best possible alternative and integrative health and wellness care, right from the comfort of their own homes. Our team is passionate about helping people takecontrol of their health and well-being, and we are dedicated to making that process simple.

We know that quick, affordable, and easily accessible care can make a real difference in people's lives. That's why we are committed to our vision of providing exceptional personalized care and access to world-class doctors, anytime, anywhere, and at a price that anyone can afford. We believe that everyone deserves access to exceptional medical services, regardless of location, and we won't stop until our vision becomes a reality.

Our platform is not for everybody - we only help those who are willing to help themselves. We believe in empowering our patients to take charge of their health and wellness, equipping them with the tools, resources, and expertise they need to live their best lives. We are not just a telemedicine company - we are a movement that is changing the way doctors and patients connect.

Wiser Wellness, we don't settle for the traditional mediocrity - we demand excellence in everything we do. Together, we can create a world where health and wellness care is accessible, affordable, and truly personalized to meet the needs of everyone.


Virtues and Values

At Wiser Wellness, we believe in the POWER of our Virtues and Values, and they drive us to create a culture that empowers and inspires everyone to achieve greatness. We are committed to living these Virtues and Values every day, and we hold ourselves to the highest standards of quality and performance.

Our Virtues and Values are POWERFUL, and they begin with Passion. We are passionate about what we do, and we believe that our work should make a positive impact on the world. Ownership is the foundation of our success, and we hold ourselves accountable for our actions, and our inactions. We have a Winning mindset that drives us to achieve our goals and inspires us to take on new challenges with a positive attitude.

We believe in Excellence, and we are always striving to improve and to reach for the highest standards of quality and performance. We believe we have a Responsibility, duty, and obligation to make a positive impact on people’s lives and make the world a better place. We believe in Flexibility, and we are adaptable and resilient in the face of changing circumstances and challenges. We work together in Unity, supporting and uplifting one another to achieve greatness, all the time knowing success for one doesn’t not preclude success for another. And we are constantly Learning, sharping our skills and knowledge, and sharing our expertise to help others grow and succeed.

We believe that by living these Virtues and Values every day, we can build something that not only achieves great things, but also serves as a force for good in the world. We are committed to changing the telemedicine industry, and creating a platform that is truly POWERFUL.

  • P - Passion:We are passionate about our work and our vision, and we strive to inspire that passion in others.
  • O - Ownership:We are all owners, and we behave like it. We hold ourselves accountable for our actions and our inactions, and we do what we say we are going to do, when we say we will do it.
  • W - Winning: We have a winning mindset and believe that a team’s collective success is more important than any individual achievements.
  • E - Excellence:We pursue excellence in all that we do, striving for the highest standards of quality and performance.
  • R - Responsibility:We have the responsibility, duty, and obligation to deliver results and hold ourselves accountable even if nobody is watching.
  • F - Flexibility:We are flexible and adaptable, willing, and able to respond quickly to any circumstance.
  • U - Unity:We are united in our understanding that each member of the team is vital to our continued success.
  • L - Learning:We value learning and personal growth, and continually developing our skills ensures we remain the leaders and innovators of our industry.


Our Priorities – 5P’s

Our 5P’s form the foundation of our mission to make a difference in the world of health and wellness. Patients, Practitioners, Partnerships, Platform, and Profits are all critical components of Wiser Wellness’s unique approach, and what separates us from all the rest.

  • Patients - Our patients are at the heart of what we do. They inspire us to innovate, to seek new solutions that make complex processes simple, and to provide services that exceeds expectations.
  • Practitioners - Our practitioners are the experts who bring their knowledge, experience, and passion to bear on every patient's needs. They empower patients to take health into their own hands, giving them the tools and expertise they need to live their best life.
  • Partnership- Our partnerships are the driving force behind our growth and success. By working with other businesses and amazing people who share our values, we create a network of support and collaboration that enables everyone to achieve their goals.
  • Platform - Our platform, Wiser Wellness, is the embodiment of our Virtues and Values and the vehicle for our vision. It is through our platform that we can connect with our patients, practitioners, and partners, and share our message of better health and wellness now and for generations to come.
  • Profit -Finally, profit is one of the many metrics we use to measure our performance and to further fund our cause. We believe that financial success is essential for our long-term growth and ability to make a positive impact.

Together, our 5P’s represent our commitment to excellence, innovation, and compassion. "They drive us forward, inspire us to do more, and empower us to make a difference in the world."

Wiser Wellness Origen Story

In the heart of the Treasure State, amidst the soaring peaks of the Rockies and the picturesque river valleys, a story of resilience, innovation, and family legacy began to unfurl. Wiser Wellness, now a beacon of modern healthcare in Bozeman, Montana, traces its origins to humble beginnings, evolving through the vision and tenacity of a family determined to make a difference.

The journey commenced in 2009 with Lee Wiser, an entrepreneur with a simple yet profound mission: to provide medical recommendations for medical marijuana under the banner of Green Card Exams. Nestled in the scenic mountain town of Bozeman, the business was more than a practice; it was a sanctuary for those seeking relief and compassion.

As word of the sanctuary's impact spread, the demand for its services burgeoned, prompting Lee to recruit another doctor and, in 2015, rebrand the business as Tree of Life. The name reflected not only the healing nature of their services but also the growing community of patients and caregivers whose lives were entwined with the company's mission.

In 2017, with business flourishing like Montana's wild huckleberries, the need for expansion became evident. More doctors and support staff joined, leading to the birth of Three Wise Docs. The enterprise thrived, but as the relentless tide of Parkinson’s disease began to challenge Lee, and the world buckled under a global pandemic, the future of the practice he had so lovingly built hung in the balance.

Enter Brittany Wiser (Lyons) and Brandan Lyons, a duo whose names would soon become synonymous with the revival and revolution of Lee’s legacy. Brittany, Lee's daughter, infused the business with her acumen as an attorney and her grace as former Miss Montana and Miss Montana USA. Brandan, her partner in life and ambition, brought his expertise in health, safety, security, and risk management to the table. Together, they envisioned a new chapter for the business, one that would transcend the challenges of the pandemic and Lee’s impending retirement.

On January 1st, 2022, Wiser Wellness, LLC was born. Under the aegis of Brittany and Brandan, the company transformed, adopting a telemedicine model that wasn’t just a nod to modernity but a leap into the future of healthcare. The transition to a HIPAA-compliant telemedicine system meant that the physical constraints of the past were shattered. No longer were appointments shackled to specific days and times; the new model was a paradigm of flexibility and accessibility.

A soft launch in September 2021 served as a proving ground for the systems put in place. They were rigorous yet elegant solutions that upheld the integrity and intimacy of patient-doctor interactions while embracing the vast potential of technology. The original Three Wise Docs passed on the torch, ensuring that the transition was as seamless as it was heartfelt.

By March 1st, 2022, Wiser Wellness was fully operational, offering same-day appointments and fully embracing the telemedicine model. The team expanded, drawing in expert doctors from large metropolitan areas with specialized knowledge in medical cannabis, thus diversifying their expertise and extending their reach.

March of 2023 marked another milestone: expansion into Arizona, Nevada, and Oklahoma—states that aligned with the company's mission to serve rural, remote, and underserved areas. Wiser Wellness was not just growing; it was flourishing, its roots nourished by the dedication to community care and the vision of its leaders.

The origin story of Wiser Wellness is more than a business chronicle; it’s a testament to a family’s unwavering commitment to health and humanity. It is one of hope, a reminder that with courage and unity, we can weather any storm and emerge not just unscathed but stronger, wiser, and with a wellness that endures.


Social Media Handles


Trust Pilot

Google Business

Better Business Bureau


Bozeman Daily Chronical


X (formally Twitter)




