Song Cosmetic Dentistry Beverly Hills

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Song Cosmetic Dentistry Beverly Hills
Industry Dental
Founded 2020 in California, USA
Founder(s) Dr. Catharine Song

Dr. Catharine Song is the owner of Song Cosmetic Dentistry in Beverly Hills, California. She is a creative who sees dentistry as more than a profession, but her life’s calling. Striving for excellence and top-notch dental services, Dr. Song never misses an opportunity to master the latest dental techniques, keeps abreast of the newest scientific advances, and incorporates her artistic expertise into her work.


Dr. Catharine J. Song is a Beverly Hills , California based cosmetic dentist that specializes in Cosmetic Dentistry. She has been featured in publications such as globe, yahoo, and apnews for her Invisalign, veneers, and other cosmetic work. Dr. Song is a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of North Carolina School of Dentistry. Dr. Song began to see the benefit of combining her artistic creativity with her profession. Dr. Song is the owner of Song [Cosmetic Dentistry Beverly Hills.]

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