Santhosh Selvanayagam

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Santhosh Selvanayagam Ponishare-verified.png
Born 14th August, 1998
Chennai, India
Nationality Indian
  • BSc Physician Assistant
  • MSc Physician Assistant
  • Assistant Professor
  • Department Incharge, Department of Physician Assistant
  • Selvanayagam R (father)
  • Reeta Malathi S (mother)
Awards 12+ Awards

Santhosh Selvanayagam is an accomplished Assistant Professor and Department Incharge at Vinayaka Mission's Puducherry Campus. He holds multiple certifications and awards for his contributions to education, healthcare, and social service, including the Anish Creations ACFA Fashion and Achievers Award. Santhosh is recognized for his leadership, academic excellence, and extensive community service initiatives.

Early Life and Education

Santhosh Selvanayagam was born on August 14, 1998, in Chennai, India, to Selvanayagam R and Reeta Malathi S. Growing up in Chennai, Santhosh exhibited a keen interest in academics and extracurricular activities from a young age. He pursued a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Physician Assistant and later completed a Master of Science (MSc) in the same field, laying a strong foundation for his future career in healthcare and education.

Professional Career

Santhosh Selvanayagam is currently an Assistant Professor and the Department Incharge of the Department of Physician Assistant at the School of Allied Health Sciences, Vinayaka Mission's Puducherry Campus, VMRF-DU. His role involves not only teaching but also overseeing the department's operations and ensuring the highest standards of education and practice are maintained.

Academic Achievements

Santhosh's academic journey is marked by numerous achievements and certifications:

  • General Secretary of APAP: Appointed as the General Secretary of the Association of Physician Assistant and Paramedics (APAP).
  • Suicide Prevention First Aider: Received certification from the Swayam Foundation (India) & International Association of Therapists (UK).
  • Leadership & Management: Certified by Great Learning in leadership and management.
  • NEP 2020 Orientation & Sensitization Programme: Completed this programme by UGC-MMTTC, Pondicherry University.
  • Being a Paramedic: Awarded by under the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.
  • Community Responder 101: Certified by the GDC Field Ops Fellowship Program.
  • Conferences and Symposia: Attended over 20 national and international medical conferences.
  • Best Paper Presentation: Received the Best Paper Presentation award at the National Symposium for Health Sciences 2019 for his study on Hepatitis B vaccination awareness.
  • Best Academist Award: Honored by the Fire Box Awards for his academic excellence.

Co-curricular and Leadership Roles

Santhosh has demonstrated exceptional leadership and organizational skills through various initiatives:

  • Organizing Secretary: Led programs like Menstrual Hygiene Awareness Day, World Hypertension Day Awareness, World Health Day, and Voters Awareness Program.
  • National Level Seminar: Organized SWPA 2023 for Physician Assistants during National Physician Assistant Week 2023.
  • Eye Donation Fortnight Programme: Helped create awareness, reaching over 15,000 beneficiaries, and recognized by the VITRUE Book of World Records.
  • ENVO Fest 2023: Initiated environmental awareness programs, earning International Star Book of World Record Recognition for a large-scale logo creation event.

Extracurricular Activities

Santhosh's extracurricular pursuits have earned him numerous accolades:

  • Honorary Doctorate in Social Service: Conferred by IACHRC.
  • Pasumai India Organisation: Appointed as the Chennai level representative.
  • Digital Influencer Award 2023: Nominated for his impact in the digital space.
  • Art of Giving Movement: Became a member, promoting philanthropy.
  • United India National Award 2024: Received for Literature in Tamil Nadu.
  • India Pride Icon Award: Recognized for his contributions.
  • Mahatma Gandhi International Award: Awarded by the WAC Book of Records as a young achiever in social service.
  • Sindhanai Sirpi Award: Honored by Bright Star Academy for poetry, essay writing, and elocution in 2015-2016.
  • Valarum Sakthi Award: Won for a district-level Tamil essay competition in 2014-2015.
  • Tamil Elocution: Secured third place, awarded by the Governor of Tamil Nadu, Mr. Rossaiah, in 2015.
  • Fundraising for Leprosy: Received appreciation from the Indian Development Foundation.
  • School Awards: Recognized for achievements in dance, singing, cooking, and floral arrangement.
  • Best NSS Volunteer: Awarded at the university level for the academic year 2017-2018.
  • Medical Camps and Awareness Programs: Actively participated in numerous community service initiatives.
  • EPIC 2k19 Champion: Won the Overall Champion award at the intercollegiate cultural fest.
  • Young Achiever Award: Honored in the multi-talented person category by the Phoenix Book of World Records.
  • Anish Creations ACFA Fashion and Achievers Award: Won for his significant contributions and achievements in the fashion and allied fields.


Santhosh Selvanayagam's journey is a testament to his dedication, leadership, and commitment to excellence in both his professional and personal life. His achievements across various fields reflect his multifaceted personality and unwavering determination to make a positive impact on society.