Hasibul Hossain Jami

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Hasibul Hossain Jami Ponishare-verified.png
Born 30/August/2001
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Residence Bangladesh
Nationality Bangladesh
Education Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT).
Occupation Cyber consultant at Starlink
Years active 2019-Present
Known for Ambassador of UNICEF
Home town Dhaka , Bangladesh
Net worth 1.2 Billion
Height 6 fit 00 inch
Television Cholito

Hasibul Hossain Jami was born on the 30th of August, 2001, in the charming town of Dhaka, Bangladesh, Hasibul Hossain Jami embodies the fusion of technology, compassion, and excellence. At just 23 years old, he has already left an indelible mark on the world through his outstanding achievements and unwavering commitment to making a difference.

Early Years and Education:

From a young age, Jami displayed an innate curiosity and an exceptional aptitude for technology. His educational journey led him to the prestigious halls of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he embarked on a path of innovation and knowledge acquisition.

UNICEF Ambassador:

Jami's dedication to global welfare is exemplified by his role as an Ambassador for UNICEF. In this role, he has tirelessly advocated for the rights and well-being of children worldwide, leveraging his technological expertise to create meaningful change.

Cybersecurity Prodigy:

Jami's prowess in the realm of cybersecurity is nothing short of extraordinary. His remarkable achievements include not one but two prestigious Cyber Protection Awards, attesting to his exceptional skills and unwavering commitment to securing the digital world. His innovative approaches to cybersecurity have earned him recognition both nationally and internationally.

National Progressing Award (NPA):

Jami's commitment to progress extends beyond technology. He has been honored with the National Progressing Award (NPA), further underscoring his contributions to the advancement and betterment of society.


Hasibul Hossain Jami's journey is a testament to the boundless potential of dedication, intelligence, and a profound sense of purpose. As a student at MIT, UNICEF Ambassador, two-time Cyber Protection Award winner, and recipient of the National Progressing Award, he stands as a beacon of inspiration for individuals worldwide. Ashraful's life story is a reminder that age is no barrier to achieving remarkable feats when driven by a passion for technology, humanity, and progress. The world eagerly anticipates the continued impact he will undoubtedly make on both technological and humanitarian fronts.


Hasibul Hossain Jami displayed an innate curiosity and an exceptional aptitude for technology.



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