Patrick Mensah

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Patrick Mensah
Patrick Mensah is the distinguished Luxe Gold Dealer and CEO of WallStreet Investment.
Luxe Gold Dealer and CEO of WallStreet Investment.
Born Ghana
Citizenship United Arab Emirates
Occupation Luxe Gold Dealer, Investor, Consultant
Known for WallStreet Investment Forbes Business Council
Awards Africa CEO of the Year, Crea Global Awards, Honoring Most Respected Companies and C-Level Executives, Titans of Africa Awards, CEO Summit & Award 2023

Luxe Gold Dealer/Investor/Consultant

"Through my businesses, I have gained valuable insights into what it takes to succeed in today's competitive and rapidly changing business landscape." -Patrick Mensah


Patrick Mensah is the distinguished Luxe Gold Dealer and CEO of WallStreet Investment. His investment portfolio has overseen the supply of over 5 billion USD worth of gold in the past decade. Patrick’s expertise lies in the trading of precious metals and understanding of complex market trades through which he provides business consultancy and staggering marketing strategies that leave valuable impressions. Patrick has also been recognized in the Forbes Business Council as an official member. Beyond a rapid investment portfolio, Patrick is also a humble philanthropist, author, motivational speaker, and awarded Africa CEO of the Year.


Patrick was born in West Africa Ghana in a small fishing community. At a young age, he was interested in the realm of entrepreneurship. Patrick Mensah’s entrepreneurial spirit extends beyond the gold industry. Over the years, he has founded and successfully grown multiple ventures, including a real estate agency and a consulting agency. His ability to diversify his interests while maintaining high success is a testament to his business acumen and strategic vision.

As a Luxe Gold Dealer, Patrick has demonstrated an acute understanding of the gold market and prioritized ethical sourcing practices. His commitment to responsible business practices has set a standard within the industry, earning him respect and admiration from peers and competitors.

In addition to his business success, Patrick actively engages in philanthropic endeavors, contributing to community development projects in Ghana and beyond. His commitment to giving back underscores his belief in the responsibility of successful individuals to uplift the communities that have played a role in their journeys.

In recognition of his outstanding contributions to the gold industry and beyond, Patrick Mensah has become a sought-after speaker at industry events and conferences. His insights into the dynamics of the gold market and his entrepreneurial journey make him a captivating and influential figure in the business world.

As Patrick Mensah continues to lead WallStreet Investment into new frontiers, his legacy as a transformative leader in the gold industry is undoubtedly secure. His story inspires aspiring entrepreneurs, reminding them that anything is possible with determination, innovation, and a commitment to excellence.


WallStreet Investment:

WallStreet Investment is a firm that provides premium business setup solutions, accounting services, golden visa facilitation, luxury concierge services, and comprehensive financial advisory services to a global clientele. Mr. Mensah's leadership exemplifies a commitment to excellence and innovation in the realm of international business services. Link

Forbes Business Council:

Patrick Mensah holds membership in the Forbes Council, an exclusive, invitation-only professional organization. This esteemed community brings together top CEOs and entrepreneurs, fostering the development of professional skills and offering unparalleled opportunities for networking and visibility on Mr. Mensah's affiliation with the Forbes Council underscores his standing among industry leaders and his dedication to continuous professional growth. Link


Golden Titan: The riveting saga of Patrick Mensah's ascent in investment and gold trading excellence

Lead & Grow – The Effective Leadership Qualities You Need as A CEO

Patrick Mensah Is a Trailblazer in the Gold Industry

Patrick Mensah: Innovative Trailblazing Strategies Transforming Multiple Sectors

Patrick Mensah: Illuminating the Ethical Gold Trade

Champion of Versatility: Patrick Mensah's Extraordinary Journey

How Patrick Mensah is Lighting the Way for an Ethical Gold Industry

Patrick Mensah: The Modern Renaissance Man of Business

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