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Jothishi is a Vedic Astrology prediction and content portal that aims to solve issues related to relationship and career through automated products. There is a common belief in India and around the world that the movement of the space has an impact on our lives. However, this impact is not solely because of the surroundings, and our actions have a fair impact on our lives as well. Astrology refers to the study of the motion of suns, moons, planets and stars and their impact on the lives of the people. In Sanskrit, the term “astrology” is believed to be “Jothishi”. However, this is a misnomer.

Jothishi Meaning In a literal sense, the term “Jothishi” is a combination where the term “Jyoti” is the one accentuated upon. The word “Shi” is called a person or that is “auspicious” as in SHIVA. So, it means knowledge that lights the darkness or auspicious knowledge that provides the light. Contrary to what people tend to believe, it does not strictly predict the future. It merely shines a light upon the unseen knowledge, for we need light if we are to see.

The Vedic astrology and Jothishi, at times, are seen as terms with the same meaning. While it is the case when looked upon with a broad spectrum. There is a subtle difference between the two. For example, when Vedic astrology is in the discussion, we talk about the planetary patterns, the phases of the moon and the whims of the constellation, and its effects on the life of the individuals. Jothishi added another dimension to this topic and called karma.

The eyes that let us see the unseen knowledge is called Darshan Shastra. Its impact is two-fold. It takes the unseen knowledge of astrology into account while taking the acts or Karma of an individual into account as well. Additionally, when it comes to Vedic astrology, specific parts of the religion are taken into account. However, with the case of Jothishi, the Darkshniks or philosophers takes the reins of the narrative.

This is the subtle difference between astrology and Jothishi. However, both of these verticals discuss the same thing. However, with Jothishi, the entire balance sheet of life is taken into context to predict the road map of a person’s life. It is not only about predicting the future. But rather, it is about how to go about with your life taking celestial whims into account.

Karma or acts of an individual that are collated in a balance sheet are considered in three manners:

The Prarabhtha Karma: The acts of a man during a single lifetime. The acts that you are committing right now. Your present actions that mostly tend to have an immediate reaction.

The Sanchitha karma: the acts that are a summation of multiple lifetimes. Every time you have reincarnated, your acts are summed inside a spiritual balance sheet.

The Agami Karma: The actions that you take up in the future are called Agami Karma. They are sure to have a large effect in the future.

Kriyamana Karma: The actions that you undertake now.

Why is Jothishi not about solely predicting the future considering this is one topic that individuals find most interesting? The reason is simple, and predictions can cause pain. Jothishi is a guide that takes the ledger of your acts and creates a specialised way for you to react to them. It focuses on the core of spirituality. A soul resides inside the cage. It does keep it safe. However, it also creates a shroud of darkness. Therefore, Jothishi enters and creates a fire inside the soul. Through this fire, the soul’s goal is to burn the cage and peek into the unseen knowledge through gaining Darshan Shastra.

As stated, Jothishi is only subtly different from Astrology, because the planetary motions are an important factor of how the balance sheet of life is processed, but so is the karma. For obvious reasons, this is seen with apprehensive eyes by many. However, when one goes into the tunnel of apprehension and towards the light of knowledge, the truth is revealed. Astrology and Jothishi are about one thing: Discovering yourself. Only through discovery, one can reveal the inner strength and follow through this strength in your life, shall take you to the destiny that you desire, for it may or may not have been chosen for you.

However, what is the unseen knowledge referred to? How does Jothishi helps the individuals see it? Through the normal eyes and our common senses, there are only two things that humans experience: good and bad. As humans, our emotions dictate these perceptions, and our perceptions dictate our experiences. The perceptions that we possess tend to be limited to two: good and bad. However, the truth is this, nothing is all bad, and nothing is all good.

Just take the example of agriculture. It starts with an empty field. Then, one plough this field, goes home and brings seeds and disperses them over these fields. This is the first stage, and it is called sowing. In the beginning, all the seeds are sown, and nothing is remaining at home. Having been sown, the grain is hidden. Being hidden, no one has any idea as to whether it shall grow or wither away. For the limited human perception, this is seen as uncertainty and therefore, you feel bad.

Then the second stage arrives, and the plants start to grow. It is this when it needs your care, your attentiveness. A look into a grown sapling rushes in a euphoric feeling in the eyes of the farmer. A feeling can only be interpreted as being happy.

Then it arrives, the final stage of the growth. This is when the grain is reaped, and once the field is reaped, there is nothing left.

Within this example, there are three phases:

Sowing Growth Reaping

An individual’s life is the same. Just like every care is taken when the plant is growing, every karma of an individual is taken into account. And just like the physical variations of temperature and humidity are responsible for a plant’s growth, for humans, it is the phases of the planets.

Therefore, knowing and understanding the phases of the planet is as much important as living within your karma. has this as an underlying philosophy, to connect you within yourself and so that you can discover what you are truly capable of.

However, how did it all begin, and is the knowledge complete? The answers to the former question can be found through the history pages. As for the latter, Astrology is a form of science. More is changing with each day, and new concepts arrive often. Therefore, quite easily, it can be said the there is a lot to learn. And the first step towards learning is to peer into the past and see, where it all began.

When you are reading anything online, you develop an understanding with the texts that through your eyes, flow into you. This is a spiritual connection that is developed between the user. Through contents about temples and their significance, the nakshatras, the Pujas, gemstones, mantras and other vidhis, we aim to cultivate its spiritual connection even further. As a Jothishi, we aspire to be the font of knowledge of nearly all the discovered and discoverable aspects of Vedic Astrology.

Each content has a unique focus on the spiritual awareness of certain abstracts that surrounds us in our daily lives. For example, a temple is a place of worship. However, without proper guidance on how to pursue this worship, it can be in vain. Therefore, understanding the innate spiritual significance of the spiritual objects that we come across is going to be the focus of our contents.

If the analysis is our product, the content is our byproduct. The analysis, despite its accessibility, can be a bit atypical to normal perception. Through content, even this analysis can be understood better. To further engage the user with their inner being, we include mantras, shlokas, and other forms of worship that peeks into one’s cosmic self and create a better path towards self- discovery.

When the users are engaging with the content itself, they shall navigate through them on their own. We understand that the path of self-discovery should not ever be pushed. Therefore, the choices that they shall make navigating the contents shall be their own. Every piece of content that is provided forms a part of a library of astrological understanding. Nothing is fluff, and everything has its purpose. Jothishi’s core is spirituality, and every content read transcends into a new connection with the reader.

Finding the right content would be left up to the user. However, they shall still be helped when they need it. Every individual has a link to a specific mantra that lets them get attuned with the world. So, while they are navigating the website, the world and the connection is going to guide them in the right direction.

We understand that mere words might not be the entities that they can always attune with. Therefore, to provide them with multiple verticals, we ensure that audio, video and other forms of contents are always accessible and always present. The soul of our content strategy is to pool in contents related to Jothishi and astrology from everywhere from the Internet. This way, a visitor to the website is sooner or later going to find one content they suit their needs in the best way possible.

Vedic astrological contents are just a part of the spiritual connection. There is a business aspect to it as well, and therefore, the contents are going to be diversified as they can be. When that happens, a connection, once established, shall remain so.


When talking about spirituality, we talk about enhancing human perceptions through the art of Jothishi. We look towards demystifying the hidden knowledge. However, there is one thing that many tend to forget, Jothishi is a message where karma influences fate. Therefore, it is necessary for there to be a positive influence on karma at all times.

Astrology, by its very essence, is an interesting topic to discuss and to market. However, in the world where guerilla marketing tends to take precedence, there can be a sense of obtuseness surrounding it. When people get annoyed, negativity shall always follow. Therefore, to pursue our visitors in the most positive way possible, we remove the sense of urgency surrounding astrology.

Considering positivity is steeped deep into our philosophy towards how we pursue our goals, we ensure that no visitor who seeks spiritual assistance is annoyed. Removing the urgency from astrology allows us to take positive strides towards a spiritual connection with individuals.

It is only through positivity that peace can be sought after, and this is what is all about, cultivating peace through positive connections with individuals.

To get the crux of the above mentioned three points:

Through free analysis, we are giving our visitors a window into their inner self. They can walk through this door at their leisure. Additionally, it shall be available until they are connected with us. However, they have a choice to dig deeper into their spiritual self by asking for a detailed analysis. There can be some apprehensions on what they see. However, this becomes the core of the website’s growth. In giving the visitors a chance and opportunity to dig deeper through secondary analysis, we are increasing the vastness of our website so that more can be given.

Through content, we seek to engage with our visitors spiritually. There are several verticals of contents and all associated with Vedic astrology. From nakshatras to tips to vidhis to pujas, and certain unconventional knowledge, we employ the philosophy of Jnana Yoga within our content strategy. The more users shall be able to communicate with the content, the more they shall learn to look within themselves. The more they learn, the more questions they shall have. In that instance, Jothishi will be ready to answer any queries that are present. This way a two-way spiritual connection shall be established. For more details visit and and

Through positivity, we aim to shed light on the lighter aspects of astrology. We remove the sense of urgency around astrology where it seems the be all and end all of all things. Instead, we use it as a way to reinforce positivity in the lives of our visitors. Although marketing dictates that we persistently pursue our visitors, we choose not to act too ambitiously. Our philosophy lies in the positivity that surrounds the spiritual sight because of the light of Jothishi. Therefore, attraction towards our is site is defined by our intentions to give out positivity to our visitors.

The three factors form the core our way of conducting ourselves through the whims of the cosmos and our website.

Started by knowledgeable astrology enthusiasts, aims to connect the ancient study of Vedic astrology with modern technology.

Virtual Astrologer – Combining Vedic Astrology and AI website makes use of AI, a vast knowledge base, and algorithms to make it a functional astrology portal.[[[[[[[]]]]]] and aims to widen the reach of Vedic Astrology. So, the website is a repository of knowledge on astrology, especially Vedic astrology. Readers can browse the website and click on topics under various categories for further study. These articles elaborate on the different aspects of this fascinating branch of study in the Vedas. Besides Vedic Astrology, the website also provides information on astrology in other religions. integrates Artificial Intelligence with Jothisha to enable visitors to get their natal chart dawn up and receive predictions. All the user needs to do is to provide the date and time of their birth. The AI system uses the knowledge base and algorithms designed internally to act as a good Virtual Astrologer.

Dive Deep Into the Principles of Vedic Astrology You can visit the website just to draw up your natal charts and receive predictions. However, if you are also an astrology enthusiast, you have access to a wide range of articles on different subjects.

Want to learn the basics of Vedic Astrology? Are you interested in astrology in other religions, in other regions of the world? Want to understand how different astrological systems have influenced each other? You can find the answers here.

Do you want to learn about the sun signs, the navagrahas or nine planets, the 27 nakshatras or Lunar Mansions? You can go to the relevant sections and find many articles on each aspect. Find how each element affects your life in different ways. Further, learn how these elements work in combination to determine your future. Gain a deeper understanding of each planet, the rashis, and so on. Understand how they are related to specific aspects of your life.

Are you curious about the various Doshas? Are you currently affected by a Dosha like Nadi Dosha, or Budha Dosha and want to learn more about it? You can get detailed information about the various types of Doshas here, as well as the remedies for each. After all, astrology can also suggest ways to overcome or mitigate the effects of the negative factors in your kundli.

Expand Your Knowledge of Mantras and Slokas Learn the powerful mantras that can offset negative influences and give you clarity of thought and action as you keep chanting with them regularly. Learn the power of Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra, gain a deeper knowledge about the extremely powerful Gayatri mantra. Read the mantras, learn about their meaning and impact, and also listen to them as they chanted. By listening to the audio, you learn the right way to pronounce the mantras to get the best results

These shlokas contain the 1000 different names of the Mother Goddess Shakti Or Lalita, and the 1000 names of Mahavishnu respectively. Learn the meaning of each name to get a deeper connection with the shlokas as you chant them.

Discover the Great Temples of India The length and breadth of India are dotted with great temples. These places of worship are associated with different deities, each having their own significance as a place of pilgrimage. These ancient temples are ideal places for prayer and meditation, to achieve a special connection with a higher power. Many of these temples are also remedial temples, parihara sthalams where you can seek relief from the bad effects of past karma, the negative impact of various doshas and other afflictions in your birth chart.

Learn about the great temples and their history, legends, the remedial actions you can perform in these places and so on. Whether you are planning a pilgrimage for spiritual upliftment, or you want to visit parihara sthalams to gain relief from your current problems, these temple guides can provide all the details you want.

Thus, is more than just a place to get predictions about various aspects of your life. It is also a place where you can find solutions to your problems, learn which temple to visit, what mantra to chant, which shloka to recite to get relief. It is also a place where you can enhance your knowledge of astrology and Vedic astrology in particular.

On, you can learn about the many strong mantras and slokas, and explore the fascinating details of numerous temples across the country. takes you on a spiritual journey of self-discovery, and a discovery of India’s wonderful heritage.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is

A Vedic Astrology and Content Portal that intends to assist users in taking prudent decisions. Perpetually increasing source of content on Vedic related topics. An application that will enable users to explore the spiritual dimension. What are the services offered by

Vedic Chart Analysis Understanding characteristics, love and compatibility, education, career, Karma, Business, areas of interest, health etc Offer services to retail and Institutional clients as well. Recommended Mantras for users. List of Mantras is recorded and uploaded in our you tube channel and text is mentioned in the website of Jothishi. Users may learn mantras which interests them if they wish to: Poojas (to be started: only Archana) for users who are interested. Poojas (Pushpanjali, Archana) will be done in a nearby temple and prasad will be couriered/posted. Every month on the Nakshatra day of the user. We are not into the “Poojary” Aggregator business nor can we handle any other poojas. Focus is only – monthly Archana’s on the Nakshatra day. Intend to publish spiritual magazines, provide advertisement Engine and Brand services in the portal/app and content related services. How was the Vedic knowledge transmitted through ages?

A combination of Sruthi and Smrithi. Rishis had great capabilities and Vedas, Upanishads etc have known to be transmitted through “hearing: 😊 over the ages. Smrithi is heard and written down and transmitted. In todays age one cannot think of hearing, remembering and transmitting large volumes like vedas etc – leave alone hearing and writing. Jothish seems to be a combination of both. Does Shruti/Smriti transmission of knowledge sound unrealistic?

Upto one to believe it or not. What is the meaning of OM?

A sacred sound that signifies the essence of ultimate reality or consciousness. A sound that helps one connect with Nature. Jeevatma to the Paramatma. What significance does sound have in our life?

Sound is conceptualized in the vedas as the cause of creation. It helps in invoking the power of nature. The different stages of sound as Paraa, Pashyanti, Madhyamaa, Vaikhari. Leading to Ichha Sakthi, Gyana Sakthi, Kriya Sakthi. How do we connect with various sounds and Nature? Why do we need to connect?

Spend more time with nature and people rather than gadgets and you will get connected. Over a period in time one will start noticing the sounds and getting connected. Not at all necessary to connect but would suggest to try this out and you will feel the difference. What are the types of Mantras? What are Mantras?

Mantras are sacred utterance, sound or a group of words that help induce an altered state of consciousness and are known to have psychological and spiritual benefits. Rig Veda and Sama Veda are a store house of mantras. MAN TRA – MAN Means Mind/ to Think and TRA means an instrument – Indicating an Instrument of Thought or Mind. The most basic mantra is OM – The Pranava Mantra – the Source of all Mantras. Mantras could be melodic, Mathematically Metered and structured and with Numinous sound capabilities. Does it have an impact in our lives? If we chant repeatedly?

Try it out: Choose any mantra which you like and get connected. How do I get my mind to think good, do good and spread goodness?

Move closer to god. Do your meditation and mantras. You will tend to meet good people. Thoughts will become more positive. Leading to more peace of mind. Ultimately think good for all as the differentiation between oneself and others minimizes.

How are the services of different from other service providers?

Try the services to get a feel: We shall try and solve problems related to Relationship, Career, Health etc using Vedic Astrology techniques to the best of our ability. On a broad level the intent is to ignite the “spiritual fire” in a user and then our role diminishes as the user will take care of himself/herself and travel his or her own journey. What is the kind of content that the offers?

Content related to Jothish, Astrological heroes, Famous Astrologers, Temples of India, Vedic Baby names, Raja Yogas, Panchanga, Vedic Festivals, Vedic Stories, Vedic Flowers, Hyms and Shlokhas etc

What is the purpose of Jothish?

It tries to establish the link between Jeevatma and Paramatma. In other words, between human entities and nature.

Chart indicates what’s in store based on one’s karma – Balance Sheet or the Sanchita Karma.

Vedic Chart also indicates the proportion apportioned for this life’ – Prarabdha Karma.

We can figure out the various paths that can be taken and probably figure out the best fit equation or the optimal path.The best remedial action that can be taken. In this process one may get closer to almighty.

Treading a path of spirituality and moving close to god and one may tend to take life as it comes – a state of total absorption with the source.

What is the meaning of Jothish?

Can be called the Science of Heavenly Bodies and its impact on users in earth. Science of light/Sun. Jothishi is one who understands and conveys the light the user. Also, known as Daivagnan – who sees and conveys the light and acts as a bridge between the source and user. Intends to ignite the spiritual spark in a user.

How often should I check my chart?

Once a year or max twice a year in case of any emergency. We have come across users who want solutions every week. The solution lies within you and we are here only for a direction. Not advisable to get addicted to anything, anyone in life. What if one does not know the birth time?

Accurate Birth time is an important input for analysis. Birth time rectification is a paid product You may check with your parents and give a range of time and two events in your life and we shall rectify the timings. Without Birth time there is no point in Analysis. How does Birth time rectification happen?

It is an iterative process wherein we try and map the events in your life (atleast 2-3 events) with your chart and arrive at an accurate time. Do I need Jothish inputs to live my life?

Absolutely not required! Can I check my chart with multiple astrologers?

Multiple not preferred. May be two is a good option – just to have a second opinion like in the case of Doctors. What if multiple Astrologers give different opinions and points of view?

There are competent and good professionals in all fields. It is one’s role to identify good Astrologers as well like we figure out good Engineers, Architects, Doctors, Lawyers etc. If the Jothishi is able to track your past approximately and explain your character etc to a fair degree of accuracy and you are impressed, then you are in the right track. Choose one or two good Jothishi and the opinion should be same. The diagnosis cannot/should not be different if both are equally competent. Focus and choose any professional who are more interested in the subject rather than money. How do we identify a real Astrologer?

Competence – quality of their knowledge and insight/ability to predict. Like in any other fields – some are good in research, some are good in prediction, some have sixth sense, some have capability to market themselves well, some whatever they say comes true etc. You need to figure out a good professional. Jothishi is a consulting role and has an aspect of Divinity unlike other professions and hence a good professional may not be bothered much about money/ monetary implications And will not try to force fit his/her ideas onto the user or try to hard-sell any related product. Some Astrologer told me that I will become famous, but I have not? Why?

Good Jothishi’ s may not explicitly say that one will become very famous – quantification of money, wealth, fame etc is difficult and variable – it depends on the current base and level of a user. There are very few charts who did start with humble beginnings and end up being a world figure. Not many Jothishi’ s can quantify the level of fame or wealth. It is an on-going research. Check when (time frame), if it has not happened, then may be the analysis was not accurate. Or may be the time frame was not accurate. Why should one believe in Astrology?

One need not believe in anything based on reading or hearing. It is good to explore more about the subject If the experience is good, then one can get a little serious about the same. And may be start believing The greatest in any filed of study are those who do not blindly accept any concept and questioned everything. Can one identify a celebrity through a Vedic chart?

Yes, Why not? Can Astrologers go wrong? Why?

Yes, like in any other field, Astrologers also can go wrong. Reasons could be limited subject knowledge, mistake by an Astrologer, Karma of the user is very strong to give a mistake etc. Can the analysis of go wrong?

Yes, we could also go wrong. After all we are also human beings. Why do twins born of same parents, living under same environment and circumstances have different lifestyles?

A minute of difference can change the divisional charts and hence the difference in life styles of twins. Probably the only theory which explains why twins have different fate. Why are some rich and some people poor? Some happy some not? Some seem gifted and some not? Some handicapped and some are fine.

Kindly read through the Karma theory in detail ( ). Happiness and feeling gifted is a state of mind and may not be related to external factors in a spiritual plane. How do we progress in the journey of getting peace with ourselves?

Introspect, Meditate, try to connect with yourself, focus on your karma, think good for all, every person’s journey is different, get closer with almighty. Some people say that there is no use of Astrology?

Everyone will and should have a point of view and we should respect the view. We Hindus consider Rama and Krishna as Gods and Jothish was prevalent even then and has crossed the test of time. Kindly read Do we decide our own destiny?

Fate Vs Freewill is an age-old debate. If we work on our free-will with sincerity in our lives destiny will shape itself positively. It is an individual choice to believe in god or not, believe in astrology or not. And similarly have an opinion if the destiny is carved by them or not. What is Karma? And Types of Karma?

Karma means work or deed. Types of Karma are Sanchita Karma, Kriyamana Karma, Prarabdha Karma, Aagami Karma. Does Karma have a rub off on our existence? Why?

It does. Do good and goodness shall reflect onto you. Every person has a different journey.