Rev. Thomas Luke

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Rev. Thomas Luke
Nationality American
Education Master of Arts in Theological Studies - Trinity Evangelical Divinity School of Trinity International University - Class of 2020
Occupation Author, Host & TV Producer, Member of the Crisis Response Team ordained as a Christian chaplain by Chaplains International, Inc.
Known for Host & TV Producer of The Rev Luke Show which is broadcast during prime-time Fridays at 8:00pm EST also available on Video on Demand

Thomas Luke, also known as Rev. Thomas Luke is a member of the Crisis Response Team ordained as a Christian chaplain by Chaplains International, Inc. He is the Host and TV producer of The Rev Luke Show which is broadcast during prime-time Fridays at 8:00pm EST and is also available on video on demand (VOD) on The NOW Television Network, Christian TV, United States. The NOW Television Network broadcasts the Gospel of Jesus Christ to over 236 million homes in the US, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Western Europe on Satellite.

He published 33 articles within the Theological Library on He is also the author of the book, The Least of These, which was independently published on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) on November 5, 2020. The Least of These is the only academic book written from a biblical perspective on how to restore child victims of human sex trafficking in Cambodia. The Least of These has city, county, state, national and international applications in addition to Cambodia.


Thomas Luke testifies that while on his deathbed, he begged God for mercy twice, later that evening, a young man entered the community where he was living and asked him if he wanted to read a verse from a New Testament pocket Bible that he carried in his back pocket. Thomas said yes, and after he read the verse, he saw a bright light coming down upon the man’s head.

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” – John 8:12, NIV

The light was so bright that it nearly blinded him, so Thomas closed his eyes and shouted with great joy like a little boy, “He’s real! Jesus Christ is real!” Thomas had encountered the living Christ who healed him of many afflictions on the evening of December 17, 2011.

“I was blinded by the intense light and had to be led by the hand to Damascus by my companions.” – Acts 22:11, NLT

Amazed at how good Jesus is, Thomas told the Lord that he wanted to work for Him for the rest of his life. Jesus replied, “Are you willing to pay the price?” he said, “Yes!” Thomas Luke eventually became Rev. Thomas Luke who has been following the Lord ever since.

Early life and education


Highschool Diploma in Military Science - Northwestern Military & Naval Academy - Class of 1982

Bachelor of Arts in Theater - Columbia College Chicago - Class of 1997

Master of Arts in Theological Studies - Trinity Evangelical Divinity School of Trinity International University - Class of 2020


Rev Luke Show.jpg

The Rev Luke Show is a worldwide Christian for profit educational television show that brings glory to God's Son Jesus Christ [God in human form] and teaches sound biblical doctrine.

Talk Show Host

A Christian television talk show host is someone who is responsible to bring glory to God during the show. The Christian host should acknowledge in their heart that Jesus Christ is the only star of the show. Neither the host nor the show's guests shall be glorified, however, the guests may be recognized publicly for their efforts. Therefore, the TV host may act as a God glorifier, interviewer, educator, encourager, comforter, mediator, or all six. The host agrees to act only as a sub-host next to Jesus Christ, the only star of the show. The host typically interviews people of interest as well as Christian celebrities that bring glory to Jesus Christ and not themselves. The host may also bring in experts who are gifted by the Holy Spirit in order to educate the viewers on different topics.

8 To one is given through the [Holy] Spirit [the power to speak] the message of wisdom, and to another [the power to express] the word of knowledge and understanding according to the same Spirit; 9 to another [wonder-working] faith [is given] by the same [Holy] Spirit, and to another the [extraordinary] gifts of healings by the one Spirit; 10 and to another the working of miracles, and to another prophecy [foretelling the future, speaking a new message from God to the people], and to another discernment of spirits [the ability to distinguish sound, godly doctrine from the deceptive doctrine of man-made religions and cults], to another various kinds of [unknown] tongues, and to another interpretation of tongues. 1 Corinthians 12:8-10, Amplified Bible

TV Producer

A Christian television producer is responsible to make sure the guests being interviewed have a godliness that either surpasses or equals their gifting, while never choosing gifting over godliness. It is also the responsibility of the producer to only have Cristian guests on the show that are submitted to spiritual authority (Hebrews 13:17, Ephesian 5:22-23) A producer supervises and coordinates all aspects of production, from the administrative to the creative process. They also handle contracts as well as all the financial aspects of production. Examples are which guests and talent to invite onto the show that will bring glory to God, as well bargaining all the agreements, and other administrative details. Producers are involved in the planning and executing of a show, as well as dealing with problems that occur during production and doing their best to stay within budget. In short, being a Christian television producer is an extremely stressful ministry, not for the faint of heart. The larger the sphere of influence God gives the Christian producer, they greater the accountability before God. The NOW Television Network broadcasts the Gospel of Jesus Christ to over 236 million homes in the US, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Western Europe on Satellite.

Not many [of you] should become teachers [serving in an official teaching capacity], my brothers and sisters, for you know that we [who are teachers] will be judged by a higher standard [because we have assumed greater accountability and more condemnation if we teach incorrectly]. -James 3:1, Amplified Bible


  • Luke, Thomas (2020). The Least of These

Official website