Damarea Ogbuewu

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Damarea Leah Ogbuewu (born August 8,2005) is an American media personality, socialite, singer, songwriter, former artistic gymnast, motivational speaker, and dancer. She starred in the African drama, 'A Promise in Africa' in 2009. At the age of six, she became the first African-American to win a National literary arts award in the United States, and by the age of ten had her poem and art piece as a permanent part of the South Carolina Children's gallery. She is also the second biracial child artist to become an activist against racial discrimination.

Early Life

Damarea Leah Ogbuewu was born on 8 August 2005 in Columbia, South Carolina to an American-Asian mother and African dad. She began singing at the age of 4 and revealed that she became obsessed with music. In 2008, Ogbuewu was given the opportunity to sing China's National Anthem, and was featured on the local news of Beijing. With Ogbuewu not speaking fluent Chinese, her teachers realized that she learned the song by ear, and was repeating back what she heard. After her television debut, Ogbuewu went on to sing the Chinese National Anthem at a school in China. Between the ages of four and six, Ogbuewu strengthened her talent of learning by ear, and eventually was able to understand four languages fluently by the time she turned seven, but not able to speak it.


Damarea was raised as a Roman Catholic, and by the time she reached the age of fifteen, she started to lean toward Nondenominational. Without a hope to criticize the church, she spoke out against why it was wrong to deny the blessing of same-sex unions after Pope Francis announced that priests weren't allowed to. At the age of ten, she wrote, 'Dear Pope Francis'.

Racial Background Ogbuewu is American with a descent of Nigerian and Chinese. In 2019, Nigerians used social media to express that they didn't accept Ogbuewu as a Nigerian because she didn't share the same facial features as one would. Rumors arose from this incident with some saying that she was adopted into the Nigerian family.


Damarea has achieved a fanbase in the middle east and in East Africa for her performances in dancing. She once combined Asian dances with afrobeat which was a nod to her Chinese background, barefoot.

Friendship with Leighanna Jeffcoat

In 2019, Ogbuewu introduced Leighanna Jeffcoat as her 'best friend'. They were close friends until the beginning of 2020, when Jeffcoat revealed false information to the press, about Damarea's personal life. Since then, she hasn't revealed any information about her personal life, including friends and relationships.


There have been various rumors about who Ogbuewu is dating, but no evidence to support the claims. When asked in an interview if she was dating anyone, she responded with, 'Not that I know of'.