Ryan Dubs

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Ryan Dubs

Image of Ryan Dubs
Born March 3, 1991
Toronto, Canada
Nationality Canadian
Citizenship Canadian
Occupation Entrepreneur, CEO, Businessperson

Ryan Dubs (March 3, 1991) is a Canadian entrepreneur, influencer, and founder of the viral skin-care brand Dew of the Gods. He is a famous TikToker who shares his entrepreneurial and luxurious lifestyle with his followers on social media.[1]

Early life

From an early age, Ryan wanted to be an entrepreneur. He is famously quoted as having asked Santa Claus for “an CEO’s desk and CEO’s chair” for Christmas when he was three years old and has been building businesses and brands ever since.

Education & Career

Ryan is a graduate of one of the most prestigious business schools in the world, Ivey Business School in Ontario, Canada. After becoming the #2 employee at Kylie Cosmetics by Kylie Jenner and running the brand’s digital presence for its first year, Ryan skyrocketed to fame in the world of branding, helping build some of the biggest beauty brands in the world, including his own. Ryan founded Dew of the Gods in May of 2020 and has propelled it to one of the fastest-growing beauty brands in the world, with revenues of over $10 million in its second year.

Personal Life

Ryan is a member of the LGBTQ+ community and an advocate for equality, gay rights, and trans rights. As a prominent TikToker, Ryan shares every aspect of his life online with his hundreds of thousands of followers.

External Link




  1. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-10528215/Man-blasted-admitting-spends-2-000-month-bottled-water.html