Guilherme Bernardino

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Born 23 de Abril de 1997
Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo, São Paulo
Nationality Brasileiro
Occupation Psychoanalyst

Guilherme Bernardino

vGuilherme Aparecido Bernardino da Silvav, commonly known as Guilherme Bernardino, (born April 23, 1997) is a Brazilian psychoanalyst renowned for his work in the field of mental health and human development.


Guilherme Bernardino was born in Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo, São Paulo, on April 23, 1997. He graduated in Human Resources Management from Anhembi Morumbi University in 2023 and obtained a specialization in Mental Health and Human Development from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná in 2024. Currently, he is pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Law at Americana College and a specialization in Human Rights, Social Responsibility, and Global Citizenship at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul. He also started a Bachelor's degree in Psychology at the Salesian University Center of São Paulo but later put the course on hold.

Bernardino is recognized for his roles in relationship management and leadership, having worked as an executive in nationally prominent companies. In addition to his private sector career, he has been involved in public initiatives, including serving as a Health Counselor and Food Security Counselor, as well as participating in the Maternal and Child Death Prevention Committee at the Municipal Hospital of Americana. In 2023, he represented health managers and providers from the Campinas region at the 9th State Health Conference of São Paulo. [1][2]

Professional Contributions and Activism

As a psychoanalyst, Guilherme Bernardino is dedicated to promoting mental health and well-being, with a particular interest in issues related to fame and public exposure. He warns of the dangers of constant exposure to the mental health of public figures, emphasizing the psychological risks faced by celebrities due to the pressure of fame. His insights into the importance of therapy in managing mental health challenges have been widely disseminated by the media, including portals such as R7, Jornal de Brasília, and Observatório dos Famosos (UOL).[3]

Bernardino is also a pro-human rights activist, advocating for a healthier, fairer, and more balanced society. He has been prominent in raising awareness about anxiety disorders in the digital age, highlighting the importance of mental health in an increasingly hyperconnected world. His efforts include participation in awareness campaigns such as "Setembro Amarelo," dedicated to suicide prevention.[4][5] [6]

Education and Professional Formation

Throughout his career, Bernardino has sought to enhance his knowledge and skills through various trainings and certifications. He completed a Formation in Psychoanalysis from the Sigmund Freud Psychoanalytic Society of São Paulo in 2021, in addition to participating in courses and workshops on topics such as mental health, suicidal behavior, suicide prevention, and leadership.[7]


  1. "Especialista aponta a importância da terapia para lidar com os desafios da Saúde Mental". 
  2. "Saúde mental e Fama: Especialista explica como a fama pode afetar o psicológico dos famosos". 
  3. "Psicanalista Guilherme Bernardino responde 10 perguntas sobre a Síndrome de Burnout". 
  4. "Guilherme Bernardino fala sobre Setembro Amarelo e alerta para sinais de depressão". 
  5. "Ansiedade atinge mais de 18 milhões de pessoas no Brasil". 
  6. "Aprenda a identificar traços de ansiedade com o psicanalista Guilherme Bernardino". 
  7. "Psicanalista Guilherme Bernardino fala sobre saúde mental e alerta para sinais de ansiedade na era digital".