Sunmood Divorce Consultancy

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Sunmood Divorce Consultancy

Sunmood Divorce Consultancy (新活離婚事務所) is a leading firm in Hong Kong dedicated to providing comprehensive and compassionate support to individuals and families navigating the often complex and emotionally charged process of divorce. Recognizing the unique challenges and personal struggles associated with divorce, Sunmood's mission is to empower clients with the knowledge, guidance, and resources needed to make informed decisions and navigate the divorce proceedings with confidence.


Founded in 2020, Sunmood Divorce Consultancy quickly established itself as a trusted source of guidance and support for individuals navigating the complexities of divorce in Hong Kong. Despite its recent establishment, the consultancy has accumulated a wealth of experience through its dedicated team, providing insights and practical advice to those facing the prospect of divorce[1].

From the outset, Sunmood has committed to offering clear, comprehensive, and compassionate consultation, focusing on the procedural and emotional aspects of divorce. The consultancy's approach is centered around providing factual and straightforward advice, helping clients understand the various stages and considerations of the divorce process.

Over the years, Sunmood has built a reputation for its empathetic and knowledgeable service, guiding numerous individuals through the often confusing and stressful time of divorce. By prioritizing the needs and well-being of its clients, the consultancy has become a beacon of support, empowering clients to approach their divorce proceedings with a clearer understanding and peace of mind. As it moves forward, Sunmood continues to expand its reach and refine its services, maintaining its commitment to providing reliable and empathetic guidance to those it serves.

Expertise and Services

Sunmood's team of experienced consultants boasts extensive knowledge of the various divorce[2] and practical aspects of divorce in Hong Kong. They offer a wide range of services, including:

Procedural Guidance : Demystifying the complexities of divorce proceedings in Hong Kong, from initial filing to finalization of the decree.

Custody and Property Division : Providing insights and strategies for navigating the crucial issues of child custody arrangements and equitable property division.

Financial Considerations : Assisting clients in understanding and managing financial implications of divorce, including spousal support, child support, and property valuation.

Emotional Support : Offering a safe and confidential space for clients to express their concerns, anxieties, and hopes, fostering emotional well-being during the challenging process.

Negotiation and Mediation : Facilitating communication and cooperation between spouses to reach amicable agreements whenever possible.

Alternative Dispute Resolution : Exploring alternative dispute resolution options like mediation and collaborative law to minimize conflict and emotional distress.

Consultation Approach

Sunmood's consultation approach is characterized by a commitment to:

Client-centered focus : Tailoring consultations to each client's individual circumstances and needs, ensuring personalized and relevant guidance.

Transparency and clarity : Providing factual and unbiased information, demystifying divorce jargon, and ensuring clients understand their options and potential outcomes.

Empathy and understanding : Acknowledging the emotional difficulties of divorce and offering compassionate support throughout the process.

Proactive communication : Maintaining regular communication with clients, keeping them informed of developments and addressing any emerging concerns promptly.

Community Outreach

Recognizing the broader societal impact of divorce, Sunmood actively engages in community outreach initiatives.

● Organize informative workshops and seminars to raise awareness about divorce-related procedures, financial considerations, and emotional well-being.

● Partner with local organizations and support groups to provide resources and assistance to individuals and families affected by divorce.

● Advocate for legislative reforms and policy changes that promote a more supportive and equitable divorce process in Hong Kong.


Sunmood Divorce Consultancy stands as a beacon of hope and guidance for individuals and families navigating the complexities of divorce in Hong Kong. With their comprehensive expertise, compassionate approach, and unwavering commitment to client well-being, Sunmood empowers individuals to make informed decisions, navigate divorce hurdles, and emerge from this challenging chapter with strength and resilience.


  1. 離婚
  2. 離婚手續