File talk:Zanan Ahmad

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Zanan Ahmad Verified.png
Zanan Ahmad
Picture of Zanan Ahmad
Born 01 October 2001
Birmingham, England
Nationality British
Occupation Writer
Known for Unique Writing
Height 6'4"

Zanan Ahmad is a British Pakistani writer, motivational speaker, social media influencer and celebrity figure, from the city Birmingham in the West Midlands England, United Kingdom. Zanan Ahmad was born at Birmingham, on 01, October, 2001.[1]

Early LIfe and Education

Zanan Ahmad pursues his studies at Birmingham City University, an institution of higher education situated in the city of Birmingham in the United Kingdom.[2]

Since childhood, Zanan Ahmad has always been passionate about helping people and giving his time to support others. Zanan Ahmad (ZPrince) started a page to promote positivity when he was 14 which helped people tackle depression by advising how they should . In addition, he has been offering one-to-one counselling sessions and message services to individuals. Zanan Ahmad is passionate about creating his own inspirational quotes, which he generously shares across various social media platforms. As a result of his outreach, many people have contacted him to express their appreciation for the positive impact his quotes have had on their lives.

Zanan Ahmad, also known as ZPrince, has been motivated by his desire to help the most vulnerable in society. Despite finding unexpected popularity and success through his motivational videos and insightful posts on depression, he has remained committed to his vocation.

Zanan's videos and posts have consistently uplifted and inspired his audience, making them feel more hopeful and positive. He is particularly passionate about advocating for mental health, firmly believing that nobody should suffer in silence. He encourages his followers to seek help when needed and provides support and guidance to those struggling.

Zanan Ahmad’s quotations have a profound impact upon the hearts and minds of his viewers, resonating equally with both younger and older generations. Motivated by a lifelong passion for influencing via social media, Zanan has dedicated all his time to this pursuit, a calling which has grown stronger with age. In addition to his popular YouTube channel, Zanan has created his own podcasts, inviting individuals who have faced mental health challenges to share their stories and experiences with a wider audience.

Social Media Activities

Zanan started using social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter and YouTube, which boosted his confidence and enabled him to spread his message. This allowed him to demonstrate his talent and establish his own distinct identity. Thanks to social media, he was able to move forward with his goal of influencing people positively.


Zanan Ahmad works in the field of social media as a British writer and influencer. His work aims to help various causes, in particular mental health, by spreading positive messages designed to support those in need. He seeks to employ his platform to advocate for greater social justice and awareness of mental health issues. Through skilful use of linguistic, rhetorical and persuasive techniques commonly associated with social media, Zanan hopes to encourage more open and insightful discourse around topics that can significantly improve people's wellbeing. His writing covers a range of themes, from the universal desire for human connection, to psychological coping mechanisms when faced with adversity. With a clear and engaging style, Zanan raises awareness of important issues while also instilling hope for a better tomorrow.

Personal Life

In his spare time, Zanan Ahmad enjoys reading literature, watching films and spending time with his family. He actively participates in numerous social and charitable activities, supporting various causes associated with education and healthcare. He is committed to elevating underprivileged communities and improving the wellbeing of society's most vulnerable.



External links