Scrapheap (Transformers)

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Scrapheap, also known as Scrap Iron, is a character featured in several iterations of the Transformers franchise.


Generation 1

The original Scrapheap is a member of the Junkions, though he did not receive a toy form until 2011.


  • Generations Scrapheap (2011)
A retool of Generations Wreck-Gar; the mold was also used for Scrapheap and the Shattered Glass Junkions.

Unicron Trilogy

The Decepticon-aligned Mini-Con Scrap Iron was introduced in the Transformers: Cybertron toy line.


  • Cybertron Scrap Iron (2005)
A repaint of Transformers: Armada Astroscope/Mir.

Shattered Glass

A Shattered Glass incarnation of Scrapheap, known by the name Scrap Iron, was introduced in 2012.


  • Shattered Glass Scrapheap (2012)
A repaint of the Generation figure; the mold was also used for Timelines Tarantulas.