List of Mythic Legions

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The following is a list of biographies for the fictional characters in the Mythic Legions series.

Army of Leodysseus

  • Attila Leossyr (male)
When his older brother Attlus renounced his claim to leadership of the army of Leodysseus, Attila Leossyr gladly stepped up and grabbed the mantle. A ferocious warrior, Attila embodies the spirit of his army's lion symbol--over-brimming with incredible confidence and charisma. Attila's popularity amongst the people of Mythoss has made him a symbol of hope in a kingdom crippled with fear.
  • Otho (male)
Widely known as greatest warrior in the Army of Leodysseus, Otho stands at Attila Leossyr's side as his closest friend and most trusted advisor. As childhood friends, Otho, Attila, and Attlus were inseparable as they trained for the day that they would walk onto the battlefield. Walking away from battle after battle unscathed, Otho's deepest wound came as a result of Attlus' departure. That departure weighs heavily on Otho, perhaps even more so than on Attlus' own brother Attila.
  • Vitus (male)
One of the last surviving members of the Mercurian army, Vitus is only a shell of the man he once was. Devastated by the destruction of his people and their once glorious city of wisdom and enlightenment, he has set his sights outward on a new mission to protect the entire realm so it does not meet the same fate. In an effort to bring the spark of life back into Vitus, Attila Leossyr asked him to train the Army of Leodysseus in the methods of Mercurian warfare. With this new purpose comes the tiniest glimmer of hope that this great warrior will regain the peace he once knew.
  • Iron Knight Legion Builder (female)


  • Azza Spiritbender (female)
  • B'alam (male)
  • Herra Serpenspire (female)
  • Jorund Runeshaper (male)
One of the mysterious magic wielders from the Evergray Mountains, Jorund Runeshaper is a great harnesser of the natural elements. While Dwarves are not typically known for learning the magical arts, Jorund showed great promise from a very young age. Wizened and hardened by years of confilct, he is not only a powerful warriour, but also a mentor and a guiding voice to his allies.

Circle of Poxxus

  • Azhar
Raised from the Netherrealm ages ago by the dark sorcerer Poxxus, Azhar and his brother Zazhar are the central powers behind The Circle of Poxxus. Imbued with the gift of creation, Azhar has the power to create life where none exists. Azhar and his brother, have spent many years searching the world for the legendary talisman said to be the key to freeing Poxxus and the ancient evils from their eternal imprisonment. Only once that goal has been met can he rest in the knowledge that he will be rejoined with his master.
  • Malachi Cinderhorn
  • Torrion
Powerful yet peaceful, the cloven races are widely known for their heroic and noble nature. Unfortuately Shadow Minotaur are nothing of the sort. Their creation can be traced back to the First Age when Poxxus' agents stole away many woodland creatures and imbued them with Dark Magic. Mighily adept at magic, the Shadow Minotaur are a formidable element for the Circle of Poxxus. Torrion, a young Shadow Minotaur with an unusual proficiency for spellcasting, has been given the great honor of representing Possus in the secret meeting of the Dark Factions known as the Covenant of Shadow.
  • Zazhar
Once an all powerful demon king of the Netherrealm, the mighty Azahazzar was split in two when Poxxus summoned him into the world of Mythoss. Zazhar and his brother Azhar are the malicious result of that split. Cursed with the power to destroy life with a mere touch, he is a chilling reminder of life's true frailty. Still bitter that he is only half of the demon he once was, Zazhar aggressively fights for the return of Poxxus in hopes that he may one day be restored to his former self.
  • Shadow Elf Warrior

Congregation of Necronominus

  • Clavian
Unlike other skeleton soldiers raised from the dead, Clavian and his crimson-hued brethren are reborn of magic steeped in blood. The foul sorcery used to regenerate these scarlet demons also grants them augmented strength and the ability to remove and brandish their own bones as weapons, only to regrow them again and again. The magic running through Clavian's bones renders even his slightest touch lethally poisonous.
  • Hagnon
  • Illgar
One of the most notorious and brutal warriors in the northern kingdom of Vikenfell, Ilgarr could not be stopped, not even by death. A deal was struck with Necronominius' son Malleus, and Ilgarr was reborn. As a shambling skeletal semblance of his former self more bloodthirsty than ever, Ilgarr is one of the Congregation's most savage fighters.
  • Malleus
As one of the three remaining children of Necronominus himself, Malleus is true underworld royalty. Serving as the ear of Necronominus until his master’s return, he serves as judge, jury, and executioner to any who pose a threat to his father’s teachings. A deeply devout follower of his father’s word and scripture, Malleus quickly dispatches those who diverge from the path that has been chosen for his congregation.
  • Scaphoid
When truly gifted magic users are killed and reborn by Necronominus' hand, their power seeps into their bones, staining them with spiritual remnants of their past life. Brimming with foul magic, these cursed skeletons have little control over their power, making them unpredictable time bombs of magical energy. Often thrown into a fight just to lay waste to all who surround them, some learn to master their unstable talents. The most accomplished of these mystical masters is Scaphoid. Chosen to represent Necrominus at the Covenant of Shadow, Scaphoid has been tasked with unleashing his dark power on all present if the proceedings go awry.
  • Tibius
One of the most ancient living skeletons roaming the earth, Tibius commands many of the deadlier battalions in Necromominus' army. Single-minded to a fault, he is consumed with recruiting soldiers and bolstering his ranks. A master fighter in his own right, Tibius is renowned for his savage skill at wielding his twin swords on the battlefield.
  • Golden Skeleton Legion Builder
  • Skeleton legion builder

Eathron's Dozen

  • Eathron
Aeons ago in ancient Mythoss, four brave warriors arose to combat the evils that were overrunning the land: the mighty Leodysseus, Bassylia, Xylona, and the crowned eagle Eathyron were righteous and unyielding forces of nature. Armed with the Heavensbrand, a sword bestowed with the power to purify the evil in enemies' souls, Eathyron rained down like a mighty storm of unrelenting power from the skies. Although the heroes were victorious, they faded from sight soon after their triumph. In their absence, the four great armies of modern Mythoss formed to honor their memory and to carry their noble cause forward to this very day.

Illythea's Brood

  • Baron Volligar (male)
As the first pure born vampire, Baron Volligar is ancient vampiric royalty. The product of an unholy union between Illythea and one of the elves of the First Age, Volligar is the most knowledgable and powerful of all vampire kind. Early in the days following the disappearance of the ancient evil powers, Volligar bore a daughter named Lucretia who possessed a power that nearly matched his own. Wanting no part of leadership, Volligar spent decades training Lucretia so that she could take the mantle as leader of Illythea's Brood.
  • Carpathias (male)
Calculating and refined, Carpathias is a warrior with unmatched precision and effectiveness. As a high ranking member of Illithya's court, he has been responsible for the annihilation of entire villages. Rather than going in directly for the kill, Carpathias prefers to paralyze his victims with a poison tipped blade, leaving them helpless as he silently drains them of life.
  • Lucretia (female, Evil Vampire Warlord)
Groomed from birth by her father, the legendary Baron Volligar, to become the leader of Illythia’s Brood, Lucretia couldn’t be more suited to her bloody reign of horror. Completely devoid of emotion or empathy, she is a callous warmonger who is all too willing to wipe out thousands as a means to her cruel ends. A bloodline descended directly from Illythia herself gives Lucretia immense power and a militant sense of responsibility that continually urges her to bring back her ancient ancestor.
  • Vorgus Vermillius (male)
One of the first to receive Illithya’s gift of eternal life as a vampire, the brutal knight Lord Edsekk became one of the first generals in Illythya’s Brood. As centuries passed and the tedium of immortality set in, Lord Edsekk was no longer satisfied with the vast powers bequeathed to him as a vampire. Edsekk's ambition drove him to seek out the dark sorcerers Azhar and Zazhar and strike a deal to obtain more power. He bartered the lives of one hundred of his men to the agents of Poxxus for an enchanted suit of armor that possessed immense power and near invulnerability. What Edsekk did not know was that he had been tricked into wearing a suit of armor infused with a parasitic spell that slowly consumed his lifeforce, causing him to vanish from inside the armor. The Blood Armor, known to the people as Vorgus Vermillius, now roams from victim to victim, leaving behind only the memory of the warriors it devours.
  • Vampire Knight (male)
  • Vampire Legion Builder (female)

Legion of Arethyr

  • Bothar Shadowhorn
A distant cousin of Thord Ironjaw, Bothar Shadowhorn has little in common with his heroic kin. The Shadowhorn Clan, once proudly aligned wiht the Army of Leodysseus, were long ago swayed by Arethyr's promises of riches and power. Bothar's insatiable thirst for blood is eclipsed only by his hatred of Thord, whose Ironjaw Clan serves as a grim reminder of what his people once were and what they have now become.
  • Gorgo Aetherblade
The merciless commander of the Legion of Arethyr, Gorgo Aetherblade is a dark mystery even among his closest confidents. His origin is as cryptic as the identity hidden under his imposing war helmet. What is immeasurably clear are Gorgo's plans for the hellish army that he has amassed and their sole purpose: to usher the return of their master Arethyr.
  • Gorthokk
Cavern Orcs, or "Shadow Orcs" as they are commonly known, are so brutal that other Orcs fear their ferocity. These grotesque inbred creatures are born deep below the surface, cursed to live a life mining for metals and forging deadly weapons. The most savage are trained for warfare and eventually make their way to the surface to fight for Arethyr. Gorthokk, a rare strategist among his people, has been chosen to represent Arethyr and to sign the evil pact known as the Covenant of Shadow.
  • Jjuno the Crusher
  • Queen Urkzaa
  • Urkku
If Urzokk is renowned for his intellect, then the Urrku are feared adversaries for just the opposite. These mindless savages have a single-minded purpose within the ranks of Gorgo Aetherblade's army: they are the blunt force on the front lines. The Urrku act with a primal impulsiveness that feeds a loyalty specific to Urzokk more so than Gorgo or his greater cause.
  • Urzokk
Once a lowly footsoldier in the Orc ranks, Urzokk has brutally carved his way to the top. An unusually advanced intellect and a cunning disposition have secured Urzokk status as a high ranking advisor and strategist. Urzokk's efficiency and effectiveness have not only acquired him power and position, but more importantly he is one of the very few that are truly trusted by Gorgo Aetherblade.
  • Unkann
Every army needs an arsenal of weapons to carry them to victory in battle and the Legion of Arethyr is no exception. A secret weapon in his own right, Unkann is the legion's master weapon-smith. A veteran of some of the legion's bloodiest battles, his expertise has been forged in combat. Determined to supply his brethren with the tools necessary to achieve supremacy, Unkann's ongoing quest involves supplying the Legion of Arethyr with the deadliest weapons once can imagine.
  • Boarrior
Resilient, dirty, and tirelessly aggressive, the Boarrior are miniature battering rams for The Legion of Arethyr. Because of their predilection for muck and filth they are often sent out to tackle the most unpleasant missions the Legion has to offer. Perfectly willing to cast their cumbersome weapons aside in favor of their thick skulls and brutally massive tusks, the Boarrior are always armed, deadly, and ready to destroy anything in their way.
  • Bog Goblin
Vicious and surly, the Bog Goblin is one of the most vile creatures in Mythoss. Small in size and amphibious in nature, they are well suited to hiding away in their swampland homes. Of all the Greater Goblin subspecies, this filthy breed is the most willing to serve in the armies of the dark forces. Armed with the ability to vomit a hot and sticky black bile at their enemies, Bog Goblins are feared by even the bravest warrior.
  • Orc Legion Builder 1
  • Orc Legion Builder 2

Nobel Bear

  • Attlus the Conqueror
Attlus the Conquerer was banished by the Army of Leodysseus after renouncing his claim to lead those very soldiers. His younger brother Attila was chosen to lead the Army while Attlus roamed the wastelands of Mythoss forming a battalion of his own. "The Noble Bear", as Attlus is known, trained his band of outcasts and renegades to defend their homes against the rising tide of evil fordes poisoning their lands.
  • Cador
Once a famous sellsword whose origins can be traced back to the Order of Eathyron, Cador is an accomplished ally to Attlus the Conquerer and the House of the Noble Bear. Known for his unconventional fighting tactics and his flair for showmanship, Cador was once one of the Mythoss' most coveted mercenaries. A near fatal battle with Attlus himself gave Cador pause to reflect on his lot in life. Realizing that Attlus' cause could bring him purpose, Candor has put his years of wandering behind him to fight for a greater cause.
  • Calavius
Once the most decorated Mercurian gladiator in history, Calavius was promised his freedom from competition after his one hundredth straight victory. That victory came and went, but the promise was not honored. With hope lost, a fury was born in Calavius that led him to revolt. The revolt dawned, as fate would have it, when Calavius met Attlus, a recently captured gladiator. Together they led the rebellion that destroyed Mercurios’ gladiatorial games and the ancient colosseum that housed them. When the allies met again years later, it was no surprise that Calavius quickly joined his old friend Attlus the Conquerer in a fight with greater stakes than either of them could have imagined.
  • Freyja of Deadhall
  • Thord Ironjaw (Male Heroic Fighter Dwarf)
When Attlus the conqueror was banished from the Army of Leodysseus it was Thord Ironjaw who first came to his aid. With a predisposed disdain for the ancient orders and the kingdoms that bore them, Attlus’ banishment only added fuel to a fire burning deep in Thord’s soul. Together they realized that the only way to change the corrupt state of the world was to assemble a great army of their own. With Attlus’ help Thord convinced his fellow Dwarves from the Grayvein mountains to unite and create a spark that will set fire to the rebellion.
  • Barbarian Builder
  • Barbarian Warrior builder 2

Order of Eathyron

  • Delphina of Eathyross
  • Gadriel
  • Gwendolynne Heavensbrand
Her brother Gideon may be the face of the Order of Eathyron, but Commander Gwendolynne Heavensbrand is its fist. This skilled warrior and strategist remains a step ahead of her enemies at all times as she commands her troops from the front lines. Her hardened outlook is often at odds with her brother’s idealistic leadership, but her grit is essential to the Order’s survival.
  • Sir Galeron
Although Sir Galeron is one of Gideon Heavensbrand's most noble and heroic allies, there is a subtle darkness lurking beneath the surface. As a spearman and standard bearer in the Eathyrian Army, he aggressively wants to be on the front lines of battle. Galeron is fueled not only by his innate goodness, but possibly even more so by an unquenchable thirst for revenge against those responsible for a mysterious event in his troubled past.
  • Sir Gideon Heavensbrand
As the leader of the Order of Eathyron, Sir Gideon Heavensbrand has guided the Order into a new golden age. The once disgraced Order has flourished under his command, reclaiming its sanctity and the respect of the people it protects. Sir Gideon's unwavering faith in the crowned Eagle god Eathyron has only strengthened his resolve and given him the courage to defeat the dark armies of Mythoss.
  • Sir Godfrey
The Templar Knights are an ancient sect that was once known as the Order of Eathyron's Temple. Once beloved by all in Mythoss, The Templars swore to protect Eathyron's temple, which was believed to be Eathyron's final resting place and home to the Heavensbrand. But after the temple was taken by Necronominus many millennia ago and discovered to be empty, the disgraced Templars were banished from the Order of Eathyron. They have operated clandestinely ever since, but now under Sir Godfrey's leadership and Sir Gideon's guidance, the Templars have returned to the Order of Eathyron.
  • Sir Ignatius
As one of the few remaining knights from the Order of Eathyron's muddied past, Sir Ignatius' absolute faith is a source of inspiration for his brothers-in-arms. Once a denouncer of the Order and its flawed ways, he was an integral part of the Orders's reformation and Sir Gideon's rise to leadership. After so many years of frustration with the very institution that he swore to serve, Sir Ignatius is finally at peace with himself as a warrior in this time of great unrest.
  • Sir Owain
As a skilled warrior and master swordsmith, Sir Owain is an indispensable member of the Order of Eathyron. He is world renowned for the intricate detail that he pours into every blade that he creates, and equally revered for his prowess wielding them. Possibly more important than his skills with a sword is Sir Owain's jovial good nature. In these most dire of times, even the thinnest sliver of light can begin to fracture the darkness.
  • Sir Valgard
As a veteran warrior who once fought under Sir Gabriel Heavensbrand’s leadership, Sir Valgard offers wisdom and guidance to Heavenbrand's son, Sir Gideon, in the newly enlightened age of The Order of Eathyron. Long ago, The Order was a shining star among the factions, and was both devout and righteous. But as time passed, the faction became corrupt, deteriorating into an institution afflicted by greed and discrimination, that seeks to serve the needs of only the wealthiest denizens of Mythoss. As the first in a new wave of non-human warriors to join the faction, Sir Valgard is an inspiration and a true symbol of The Order of Eathyron’s return to greatness.
  • Golden Knight Legion Builder
  • Silver Knight Legion Builder
  • Steel Knight Legion builder
  • Templar Knights legion builder

Sons of the Red Star

  • Gryshaa the Slitherer
  • Pixxus
The Mercurian army was once arguably the most effective fighting force in all of Mythoss. Pixxus was part of the army's upper echelon and fought side by side with his legendary brother in arms Vitus. Pixxus gave his life in an heroic effort to save an injured Vitus in the final battle fought by the doomed Mercurian army. After being resurrected by the same Necronominian sorcery that drained his life, Pixxus is now consumed with hatred for all that live. Resentment at being torn away from death led to his rejection of the Congregation of Necronominius. He has finally found a home among the Sons of the Red Star, where he can let his hate flow freely as he lines his coffers with gold.
  • Skapular the Cryptbreaker
Born into the Congregation of Necronominus, Skapular the Cryptbreaker is anything but loyal to his Order. Living an opulent life of greed and depravity has driven Skapular to sell his deadly services to the highest bidder. As an assassin with a mastery of every weapon imaginable, Skapular is a powerful warrior, but his wealth and influence proves even more formidable. Along with the group of killers known as The Sons of the Red Star that he has assembled, Skapular's dangerous methods possess the capability to change the outcome of many a battle.


  • Artemis Silverchord
  • Asterionn
Sworn to protect Castle Silverhorn - a fortress hidden deep in the Greentop forest, Asterionn the mighty Minotaur is the first line of defense for Xylonia’s Flock. As captain of Xylonia’s guard, he is the mastermind behind the impenetrable maze of trees, branches and thorns surrounding the castle. With strength and power matched only by his purity of mind and spirit, Asterionn serves as the heart of *Castle Silverhorn
  • Faunus
  • Lord Aydon
  • Myria Goldenbranch
  • Orn Steelhide
Hailing from the tiny Dwarven town of Emberdale, deep in the Greentop Forest, Prince Orn Steelhide stands tall even amongst this unusual tribe of Dwarves. Unlike other races of Dwarves, the Emberdellians are light-footed and often spend their time moving swiftly among the tree-tops. Joyful and light-hearted, Orn is equally as comfortable leading his comrades in a raucous Emberdellian folk song as he is leading them into battle.
  • Bronze Dwarf Legion Builder
  • Elf Legion Builder
  • Silver Dwarf Legion Builder
  • Silverhorn Sentry
The guard of Castle Silverhorn is divided into three units: the Beast Guard of the outer perimeter, the Sentries of the outer wall, and the Royal Guards who protect the castles' interior. Although Asterionn is captain of the entire Silverhorn Guard, the Silverhorn Sentry are led by the forest elemental Faunus. Equipped with an intimate knowledge of the castle's natural construction and how to harness ancient magic to manipulate that construction as both an offensive and defensive tool, the Silverhorn Sentry are a crucial line of defense when protecting the castle and its Queen.

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