Phlogeus (TFC Toys)

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Revision as of 13:49, 14 July 2013 by Mathewignash (Talk | contribs)

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Third party Transformer character
TFC Toys Phlogeus prototype in robot mode
Created by

TFC Toys
Species Transformer

Alternate mode

Mechanical panther/arm/torso

Phlogeus is a fictional character and third party Transformer made by TFC Toys. He is an homage to the 1986 Transformers character Rampage.

TFC Toys

Phlogeus is a third party Transformer homage to Generation 1 Rampage. He becomes the right arm of Ares.

Phlogeus is named after the of fire breathing horses of Ares in mythology. Phlogeus is Greek for "flame".

Other third party Transformer homages to Rampage include Mastermind Creations Tigris.


TFC Toys teased five outlines of the Ares members in robot mode on their weibo page in March 2013.[1]

Prototype images and the names of Conabus and Phlogeus were posted to weibo in July 2013.[2]


  • TFC Toys Phlogeus (unreleased)
An original mold by TFC Toys. Turns from humanoid robot to robotic panther or becomes the right arm of Ares. He can also become the torso of any Power Core Combiner.



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