Tami White

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Tami White Verified.png
Photo of Tami White
Photo of Tami White
Born Tami White
02 March 1989
Nationality England
Occupation Author
Home town Norwich, Norfolk
Height 5ft 6 in

Tami White (born March 02, 1989) is an English author and the founder of Change Online, a platform dedicated to promoting positive social change. She is known for her work in the field of personal development and has authored several bestselling books on topics such as self-improvement, mindfulness, and mental well-being.

Early Life and Education

Tami White was born on February 3, 1989, in Norwich, Norfolk, England. From an early age, she displayed a passion for writing and storytelling. This interest led her to pursue a degree in English Literature at a prestigious university, where she honed her skills as a writer and developed a deep understanding of human psychology.


After completing her education, Tami White embarked on a career as an author and speaker. Her writing primarily focuses on personal growth, empowerment, and creating positive change in individuals and society. Through her books, she provides practical advice, tools, and strategies to help readers navigate life's challenges, overcome obstacles, and unlock their full potential.

In addition to her writing, Tami White is the founder of Change Online, an online platform that aims to inspire, educate, and empower individuals to make a positive impact on the world. Through Change Online, she delivers workshops, seminars, and online courses, sharing her expertise and insights with a wide audience. The platform has gained a significant following and has become a valuable resource for those seeking personal growth and societal change.

Tami White's work has garnered praise for its relatability, authenticity, and practicality. Her books have resonated with readers worldwide, inspiring them to adopt healthier habits, cultivate a positive mindset, and take meaningful action towards personal and social transformation.

Personal Life

Outside of her professional endeavors, Tami White maintains an active presence on social media platforms, including Instagram. She uses her social media accounts to connect with her audience, share inspiring content, and engage in conversations around personal development and positive change.


  • Why Night: A Scientific Description (2023)

See Also


External links